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(Photo by Daisa TJ from Pexels)

It’s not easy being a little kid hearing adults yelling at you to “Let go!”

The pool is blue, deep, and scary. Drowning seems like a probability. After a few moments of panic and uncertainty, you push off the edge and frantically flail your arms and legs in hopes of reaching your swim instructor who seems a mile away. Somehow and in some way, you manage to make it despite thrashing around in a manner that would embarrass even The Three Stooges.

I remember those days when my mom packed me in the car and took me to the swimming pool for those lessons. It was a mixture of dread and excitement; dread that I wouldn’t come out of it alive, but the excitement of getting to experience the big swimming pool where everyone seemed to be having lots of fun.

"He saw a man who was hanging on the edge but eager enough to let go and take a step into the unknown."

Competitive swimming was the last thing on my mind when I clung to the edge of the pool for dear life. But thank God I let go. I would have never known the joy of what the deep end offers. That simple act of letting go led me to swim in the military and eventually compete in triathlons.

As I think about those days, I can’t help but draw the parallel to our spiritual lives. Our fear of the unknown drives too many of us to never leave the edge of the pool. We hang on for dear life as our eternal “swim instructor” implores us to let go and leave the shallow end of the pool where our feet can touch the bottom.

My swim instructor used to throw quarters in the deep end in hopes of coaxing us to dive deep. In that day a quarter was big money, especially for a youngster. The temptation was strong. And it worked. Soon, it became a competition to see who could come out the richest. God doesn’t throw quarters, but he does offer us something much more valuable; spiritual riches and power to experience the spiritual life and realm in ways we can’t even imagine. The real wonders are found in the spiritual deep end.

Unfortunately, too many followers of Jesus are clinging to the edge of the spiritual pool. After all, why not? It’s comfortable and safe. The steps are nearby. Not much is expected from you except to show up, splash around a bit, and have a good time. Sing some songs, hear a message, and say a couple of prayers. The brave ones might venture out a foot or two from the safety of the steps and read some Bible verses.

Yet after a while, the “thrill” wears off. Even the most frightened are eager to see what lies in the deeper end. That’s the place of mystery. People are swimming, diving…and they’re not wearing floaties. They seem more confident. Yes, some are still a bit unsure, but the more daring they become, the more joy they seem to be experiencing.

The spiritual deep end is a place of mystery. It’s the door to the real meaning of the Kingdom of God. It’s where God shows us the “secrets” of his kingdom. Peter was the only disciple who walked “on” the deep end. Jesus rewarded him by giving him the “Keys to the Kingdom. He saw a man who was hanging on the edge but eager enough to let go and take a step into the unknown. Even though he lost his footing while walking on those stormy waves, he was still brave enough to take the chance.

In the deep end, you will find the mysteries of the kingdom. It’s where God develops the fruit of Spirit. But he also reveals the deeper meanings of the spiritual life, meanings, and experiences that can’t be described in words. The deep end is where the spiritually mature enjoy intimacy with God.

But it comes with a cost. It can be a lonely place. Few venture into that part of the “pool.” Most like to stay in the comfort of the shallow end. Many simply want to stay in the kiddie pool. Those brave enough to let go and dog paddle to deeper waters are told to come back. “You’re going to drown!” “One mistake and you’re dead!” The one I often hear is, “You’re venturing into dangerous territory. You better return to God!”

What they don’t realize is God isn’t in the habit of hanging around in the shallow end. He’s found in the deepest waters. Those who venture out with the right spirit and pure heart will never be abandoned. God is there to catch them when they lose their footing…or venture into areas they may not be quite ready for.

Christianity isn’t “safe.” God likes people who take chances. He begs us to take off the floaties, leave the edge of the pool, and venture into unfamiliar territory. That’s the place where you will find the biggest rewards.

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